Niagara Falls

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    The Tasseography

    I don’t know if this is a byproduct of advancing years, but the older a get the less things are surprising me anymore. After having recently run the gauntlet on […]

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    The Splintering Process

    Since the late 1980s I have been involved, in one form or another, in a Saturday morning traveling golf league. Originally I came as my Father’s guest a few times […]

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    The Writing Process

    My blogging has been spotty, but I like to think for good reason, and I can say honestly it’s not because of being too lazy committing to writing. Quite the […]

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    The Journal

    A quick entry today. I have been doing a lot of writing, but not a lot of blogging. The winter months can be cold and stale at best, and there […]

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    The Chromosome

    I’ve been doing a lot of writing each evening over the last few weeks. A lot of writing, but not a lot of blogging. There’s a difference. What I have […]

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    The Bridge Generation

    It was recently pointed out to me that my generation, Generation X, has seen quite a bit in terms of technology. I had to take pause for a moment, and […]

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    The Sunbeams

    We’ve come to the end of the first month of the new, if one still considers it new, year. As I’ve stated in a previous post a simple flip of […]

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    The Changeling

    For what ever it’s worth, 2024 has been a very neutral start to the year. At least for myself. It might be cliche to say, but that doesn’t make it […]

  • Night photo of Buffalo Bills game.

    Bills Year In Review

    Buffalo Bills (11-6), Playoffs (1-1) I know I wasn’t able to write over the last few weeks. I was under the weather, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t watch the […]

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    Quick Takes Edition 12

    Buffalo Bills (10-6) Of course it would come down to the final week. It was predictable – even when they were 6-6. Should the Bills fail to make the playoffs […]