For items as they specifically relate to sociology.
The Bridge Generation
It was recently pointed out to me that my generation, Generation X, has seen quite a bit in terms of technology. I had to take pause for a moment, and […]
The Changeling
For what ever it’s worth, 2024 has been a very neutral start to the year. At least for myself. It might be cliche to say, but that doesn’t make it […]
The Sound Of Music
As I get older I discover more things about myself. I guess I personally go through phases of self-discovery.[1] Perhaps everyone does as they reach the throws of middle age. […]
The Kangaroo Court
As a country, as a society, we’ve crossed over into uncharted territory. We had been eroding for several years, and the problem was there had been a lot of gray […]
The Weeds In The Garden
Many call it the Misinformation War. I call it a defined truth and it is a very dangerous place to be in the modern age. Propaganda has always been with […]
The Tipping Point
History in general is replete with tipping points. Not to be overly dramatic but a point where as human civilization will not continue on the same path it has been […]
The Deflating Balloon
There isn’t much to this, but recently I have been conceding to myself the phenomenon known as the Deflating Balloon – or more commonly known as, the law of diminishing […]
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