The Denial
There is a stark difference between belief and denial. Religion is based upon belief, or a set of beliefs, that can never be proven or disproven. They are values held true be individuals, and they are what they are.
Another belief is 2+2=5, or the world is flat. Some people out there might strongly believe that under certain conditions this statement is true. The problem here lies in the denial aspect. 2+2≠5. It never has, and it never will be. This is disproven. If the reader has two coconuts, and they add two more, they don’t suddenly have five coconuts – they have four (although one may have a line in it).
There is, however, an ever growing sentiment in society that if a member of my circle believes 2+2=5 then the entire circle must believe it. If someone in my circle offers a correction that the answer is 4, the group as a whole reviews the credibility of the person on whether or not to acknowledge the correction. They do not automatically accept 4 as the answer even after it is scientifically proven. In short, the correctness of the answer is based upon other un-relating factors such as credibility, influence, and not the simple fact of the updated answer itself. Even worse, if a member outside of the circle also demonstrates that 4 is the correct answer, they are immediately shut out. In extreme scenarios they are discredited, or personally attacked.
In short, it is a function of a lack of understanding, and perhaps more poignant, of education. It’s one thing to accept a belief, but it’s quite another to cling to an error – to live in denial. Nothing good ever comes from denial. It is an absolute fact death is a part of life. All things die. To think otherwise is not only denial to the fact it’s a foolish one at that. Immortality does not exist. 2+2=4. These are facts. Denial is unhealthy, and yet it has become a primary infection in society in general. It has manifested the notion of us and them, and no we. It’s also entrenched. The more it is proven that 2+2=4, the greater the denial as it is contrary to the belief system of 5. It has always been 5. Why would it change?
A ridiculous math problem may seem silly, but if extrapolated out this has far reaching and damaging effects to society as a whole. Politics, climate change, education. Some of these items are opinions of belief, but they also contain hard empirical facts. Climate change is a fact. How much? To what end? That is a belief that can be debatable, but to say it doesn’t exist is a dangerous denial. It is not just dangerous to the individual, but like a plague the individual infects those around them. A person who has a specific political identity overlays those same beliefs onto their children. The children in turn become a carbon copy – they inherit the same beliefs and denials. They also lack the ability to mount a sophisticated argument to question the denial. My parents told me 2+2=5, and I will accept it unconditionally. They do not think for themselves. This can be seen in family units of lower educated individuals. The walls around the family home are built high and there’s a moat. I’m not saying one should question there parents, or not adopt their belief system. What I am saying is at some point, as children move into adulthood, begin thinking for oneself. Do not become a parrot. It’s okay to have a differing opinion within the household. Such situations spark debate, and a little debate is healthy. It brings up diversity, different viewpoints that may not have been considered, and hopefully limits the entrapment of denial. Discussions are a positive thing not negative. However, at the end of those days those are beliefs still being brought to the table. It can be a discussion how much climate change is effecting the planet. What is not healthy is denying the existence of climate change. Both sides need to come to the table to accept that fact.
This isn’t a post on climate change[1] – the subject is only being used as example in the context of the denials in society – and there are many and they’re growing. Denials are multiplying, and so are the innuendos. It’s no longer important to be factual. Just make ambiguous statements, unsupported by any facts, and innuendos to sway option and then let denial absorb the rest. It’s a dangerous process. It’s a dangerous ledge above the abyss. It’s a dangerous trend of society in general. I don’t actually care if you believe 2+2=5, but when I provide actual proof that it isn’t, don’t discredit me, or anyone else attempting to provide factual information. It’s just not that disinformation is on the rise, it’s disinformation plus innuendo and denial. Quite frankly it’s tiresome, and enough to raise the anxiety level of a factual person.We need to start moving past this denial as a society, but I just don’t see it happening with so many factions. Never confuse what you wish to be true with what actually is. 2+2 is 4. The world is round, and no pontificating to the contrary will make a false a true. It’s time for acceptance to factual information – even if it contrary to our beliefs. Only then can we move forward.
Spoiler alert: it’s not a hoax.
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