Tag: Politics
The Changeling
For what ever it’s worth, 2024 has been a very neutral start to the year. At least for myself. It might be cliche to say, but that doesn’t make it […]
The Kangaroo Court
As a country, as a society, we’ve crossed over into uncharted territory. We had been eroding for several years, and the problem was there had been a lot of gray […]
The Tipping Point
History in general is replete with tipping points. Not to be overly dramatic but a point where as human civilization will not continue on the same path it has been […]
The Seagull Dilemma
Seagulls from my perspective are very angry birds. They can be found generally everywhere. They can be obnoxious, and difficult, but also follow you everywhere if you’re holding food. They […]
The Denial
There is a stark difference between belief and denial. Religion is based upon belief, or a set of beliefs, that can never be proven or disproven. They are values held […]
The Other Shoe
There are certainly some defining moments in history. If we narrow it down to the last hundred years (give or take) these moments shifted the perspective of the world in […]
The Entropic Effect
The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy increases over time. In short, objects, systems, and many other disciplines inch from order to chaos. Sometimes at an imperceptible glacier’s pace. […]
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